

The UNEARTH Curriculum was written and created by Mariana Mae with honor + reverence to her own
devotion of study, remembrance and healing, as well as to her teachers + ancestors.

Each module and email shared is written with a lot of dedicated time and love.

In respect to Mariana and the curriculum shared, you may not engage in sharing the content of the curriculum with anyone else but yourself.
If you feel called to share a quote or writing of Mariana, you must give credit and remain the writing in “quotes”.

The soul purpose of this program is for you to UNEARTH your own authentic, intuitive and innate Creative, Self-Healing Language.
The curriculum serves solely as a guide, to accompany you on your own unique journey.

All UNEARTH Ritual + Instructional Videos are secured with a password and are recorded solely for our community,
so the link to the video must not be shared with anyone.

All UNEARTH content is copyrighted.


Payment Plans for participation are offered out of understanding for these current financially sensitive times.

Accessibility to this work, to community and to education is at the Heart of Mariana’s prayer and so I trust,
that you too will commit to your payment plan.

For services + programs of the Healing Arts, such as UNEARTH, your financial contribution is considered a committed investment
you make for yourself and a value you uphold for your own inner growth.

Automated payments are not set up yet, so you have a responsibility
to complete your invoice manually before the due date to remain in integrity with this work and with your word.

If you registered for the two Payment plan -
your upcoming invoice will be e-mailed via Paypal 1 month from the date of your Registration.
You’ll have 1 week to complete your invoice.

Delayed or missing payments can result in Credit charges.


No refunds or returns are offered.

By filling out the form below, you adhere to honor the above terms + conditions
as an agreement + commitment to your participation for UNEARTH.